About Us
The First Presbyterian Church of Iola is a church who welcomes and accepts ALL people. We have a smaller but committed congregation who are involved in our church and community and feel called to love and serve the Lord through their volunteer work.

Watch our service live on YouTube every Sunday from 9:30-10:30 a.m.
About Us
The First Presbyterian Church of Iola is a church who welcomes and accepts ALL people. We have a smaller but committed congregation who are involved in our church and community and feel called to love and serve the Lord through their volunteer work.

Submit a prayer request
During times of crisis, it is important that we stay connected with each other and share each other’s burdens. Use this form to let us know of any prayer requests that are on your heart. The prayers are shared with our ministerial staff and prayer team.
Get Involved
There is always a way to get involved with your local community. Contact us to find out more ways of giving back.
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Get Involved
There is always a way to get involved with your local community. Contact us to find out more ways of giving back.
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What We Believe
Who We Are
How We Serve
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